HireHop allows you to manage late returning hires with ease, giving you the tools to make informed decisions while maximising ROI on your rental stock.
A hire that hasn’t been marked as returned on your rental management software might not be late at all. It would be counterproductive for your hire software to tell you that it was unavailable, for instance a hirer could just be running 5 minutes late, or the item could still be waiting to be checked in due to a backlog in the warehouse, etc. HireHop has provided you with the tools to enable you to make informed decisions and avoid turning down profitable hires just because your previous rental software tells you that it is unavailable, when in fact it is.
HireHop tells you if there is a possible late return conflict in your supplying lists, the availability grid and the pick-lists, enabling you to make informed decisions whether or not to hire in a replacement, chase or wait for the late item to return or just turn down the hire. You can track at a click of the mouse what clients are late, by how long and how many items they haven’t returned on time.
Some companies excuse minor late returns to ensure good customer relations and some don’t. For late returns HireHop calculates how much the customer owes in late fees, enabling you to decide for yourself if you want to charge them or not.